Alloys Wiki
Aluminum alloy is a type of metallic substance that primarily consists of the alloy aluminum and may also contain other chemical contents like: bakır, magnezyum, manganez, silikon, or zinc. The specific composition and relative proportions of these elements determine the particular type of alloy. The normal grades are 1050, 1060, 1070, 1350, 3003, vesaire.
Seviye 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the “commercially pure” wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series).
Base copper describes the copper layer on the raw circuit board base material in the delivery state. This forms the starting point for later copper structures. It is common, for example, to start with standard 35um with a base copper of 18um. The missing 17um are built up by through-plating and amplification. Base copper thicknesses of 18um, 35um, and 50um are common for rigid circuit boards. For thick copper boards, even higher base copper is sometimes used. For flexible printed circuit boards, 12um, 18um, and 35um are common.
Unlike pure copper, copper alloys are complex formulations of metal with a copper base and alloy elements such as nickel, alüminyum, silikon, tin, and zinc in varying concentrations that give the alloy desired properties.
Grade C1100 pure copper is universal for electrical industries and has a minimum conductivity rating of 100% IACS and is required to be 99.90% pure.
Grade C1100 copper foil strip is made by rolling copper to a very thin thickness (0,0015 mm ile 0,3 mm arasında) ve ardından gerekli kalınlığa bağlı olarak soğuk haddeleme veya sıcak haddeleme. Bunu tavlama takip edebilir (daha da fazla esneklik için) ve ayrıca yalıtım malzemeleri ile şeritler veya lamine levhalar halinde işlenir.
Grade C1100 pure copper foils are used in dry-type transformers and small transformers, Yalıtım malzemeleriyle birlikte sarıldığı yerler.
Stainless steel density signifies the mass of the substance within a given unit of volume.
Bu özellik paslanmaz çeliğin karakteristik bir özelliğidir., yoğunluğu tipik olarak 7.6 g/cm³ ve 8.0 g/cm³.
Paslanmaz çelik, minimum miktardan oluşan, yaygın olarak kullanılan bir malzemedir. 10.5% Krom, kendine özgü yapısını oluşturmak için bir araya gelen diğer unsurlarla birlikte.
Bu bileşenler Karbon içerir, Silikon, Manganez, Fosfor, Kükürt, Nikel, Molibden, Titanyum ve Bakır. Bu çelik, olağanüstü gücü ve korozyona karşı olağanüstü direnciyle tanınır.
Kimyasal bileşimlerdeki ve bunların oranlarındaki farklılıklar, farklı paslanmaz çelik kalitelerinin farklı yoğunluklarını belirler..
Paslanmaz çelik kaliteleri arasında, 304 ve 316L farklı yoğunluklara sahip en yaygın kullanılan malzemelerdir.
Sonuç olarak, paslanmaz çelik ağırlığının hesaplanması aşağıdakiler arasında farklılık gösterir: 304 ve 316 paslanmaz çelik.
Alüminyum ve alaşımının yoğunluğu düşüktür; Öyleyse, en çok havacılık endüstrisinde kullanılır. Eşsiz özellikleri nedeniyle, alüminyum çok çeşitli uygulamalarda kullanılır. Alüminyumun yoğunluğu 2.71 g/cm3 veya 2710 kg/m3, ve budur 1/3 of the stainless steel.
Yoğunluk farkından dolayı, alüminyum alaşımı paslanmaz çelikten daha hafiftir ancak mukavemet açısından çok geride değildir.
DIN is the German industry standard.
A mechanical property of metal that is the degree to which a material may be bent, stretched, or compressed before it ruptures. It is a point between tensile strength and yield strength and is expressed as a percentage of the original length.
Flexural strength is a term used in statics.
GH4169 alloy is a nickel-based superalloy extensively used in the aircraft engine industrybecause of its excellent mechanical properties and good fabrication ability.
The GH4169 alloy could provide operational conditions up to a maximum useful service temperature of about 650 °C to meet the requirements of the rotor components. Örneğin, a high tensile strength, fracture toughness, oxidation resistance and excellent stress rupture resistance are attained.
Hastelloy is a nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloy, mainly divided into the nickel-chromium alloy and nickel-chromium molybdenum alloy two categories.
Hastelloy has good corrosion resistance and thermal stability and is used in the aviation industry and chemical field. Hastelloy plates are suitable for use in a variety of chemical industries containing oxidizing and reducing media.
Application areas, alaşım, kaynak metali ve termal olarak bozulan parçaların hala aynı korozyon direncini korumasıdır., bellows compensators, kimyasal ekipman, flue gas desulfurization and denitrification, paper industry, aerospace applications, acidic environment.
Hastelloy C-276 (ABD N10276 / W.Nr.. 2.4819) çok yaygın olarak kullanılan bir nikel-krom-molibden alaşımıdır. Süper alaşımlar arasında, yüksek molibden içeriğiyle tanınır.
Öncelikle, korozyona dayanıklı bir eleman olarak, molibden alaşıma indirgeyici korozyona karşı çok yüksek direnç kazandırır. Nikel ve krom ile birleşerek, Hastelloy C-276 genel olarak çok iyi korozyon direncine sahiptir. Paslanmaz çelikle karşılaştırıldığında, Klorür içeren çözeltilerdeki stresli korozyon çatlamasına karşı mükemmel direnci değiştirilemez.
ikinci olarak, molibden ve tungsten elementlerinin katı çözeltiyi güçlendirme etkisi çok açıktır, Hastelloy C-276 alaşımına çok yüksek mukavemet kazandırırlar. Diğer nikel alaşımları gibi, Hastelloy C-276 iyi sünekliğe sahiptir. Şekillendirilmesi ve kaynaklanması kolaydır.
Hastelloy C-276 alaşımı gaz eritme arkı için çok uygundur (GMA/ME), gaz tungsten ark (GTA/TIG) ve korumalı metal ark (SMA/Çubuk) kaynak işlemleri. Hastelloy C-276 denizcilik uygulamaları için idealdir. Korozyona karşı dayanıklılığı, akan deniz suyundaki çeşitli aşındırıcı maddelere karşı uzun süre dayanıklı olmasını sağlar.. ancak, Hastelloy C-276 ayrıca yüksek sıcaklıklarda iyi bir genel performansa sahiptir. Çeşitli aşındırıcı kimyasalların hazırlanması ekipmanı veya çeşitli asidik maddelerin reaktörü için çok uygundur..
HASTELLOY® C-22® alloy (UNS N06022) iyi bilinen ve kanıtlanmış nikel-krom-molibden malzemelerinden biridir, başlıca özellikleri hem oksitleyici hem de oksitleyici olmayan kimyasallara karşı dirençtir, ve çukurlaşmaya karşı koruma, çatlak saldırısı, ve stres korozyon çatlaması.
Yüksek krom içeriği, aile standardına göre oksitleyici ortamlara karşı çok daha yüksek direnç sağlar., C-276 alaşımı, ve klorür kaynaklı çukurlaşmaya karşı olağanüstü direnç kazandırır, sinsi ve öngörülemeyen bir saldırı şekli, paslanmaz çeliklerin eğilimli olduğu yer.
Diğer nikel alaşımları gibi, HASTELLOY® C-22® alloy is very ductile, mükemmel kaynaklanabilirlik sergiler, ve endüstriyel bileşenlere kolayca dönüştürülebilir. Plaka şeklinde mevcuttur, çarşaflar, şeritler, kütükler, Barlar, teller, borular, tüpler, ve kaplı elektrotlar. Tipik kimyasal proses endüstrisi (TÜFE) uygulamalar reaktörleri içerir, alaşım, kaynak metali ve termal olarak bozulan parçaların hala aynı korozyon direncini korumasıdır., ve sütunlar.
Alloy hardness is a characteristic that determines the surface wear and abrasive resistance. The ability of a material to resist denting from impact is related to hardness as well as a material’s ductility.
Genel olarak, different materials differ in their hardness; for example hard metals such as titanium and beryllium are harder than soft metals such as sodium and metallic tin, or wood and common plastics.
İnkonel alaşımları are oxidation-corrosion-resistant materials well suited for service in extreme environments subjected to pressure and heat.
When heated, Inconel forms a thick, stable, passivating oxide layer protecting the surface from further attack.
Inconel retains strength over a wide temperature range, attractive for high temperature applications where aluminum and steel would succumb to creep as a result of thermally induced crystal vacancies. Inconel’s high temperature strength is developed by solid solution strengthening or precipitation hardening, depending on the alloy.
Inconel alloys are typically used in high temperature applications.
Common trade names for Inconel alloys include: Inconel 625, Inconel 718, Inconel X-750.
Incoloy refers to a range of superalloys produced by the Special Metals Corporation group of companies.
They are mostly nickel-based, and designed for excellent corrosion resistance as well as strength at high temperatures.
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) are the standards used for industrial activities in Japan, coordinated by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) and published by the Japanese Standards Association (JSA). The JISC is composed of many nationwide committees and plays a vital role in standardizing activities across Japan.
Monel is a group of nickel alloys, primarily composed of nickel (kadar 67%) ve bakır, with small amounts of iron, manganez, karbon, ve silikon.
Stronger than pure nickel, Monel alloys are resistant to corrosion by many agents, including rapidly flowing seawater. They can be fabricated readily by hot- and cold-working, machining, and welding.
Monel was created by Robert Crooks Stanley, who worked for the International Nickel Company (INCO) içinde 1901. Monel alaşımı 400 is a binary alloy of the same proportions of nickel and copper as is found naturally in the nickel ore from the Sudbury (Ontario) mines and is therefore considered a puritan alloy. Monel was named after company president Ambrose Monel, and patented in 1906. One L was dropped, because family names were not allowed as trademarks at that time. The name is now a trademark of Special Metals Corporation.
It is a very expensive alloy, with cost ranging from 5 ile 10 times the cost of copper and nickel, hence its use is limited to those applications where it cannot be replaced with cheaper alternatives. Compared to carbon steel, piping in Monel is more than 3 times as expensive.
The term nickel alloy refers to a metal that has nickel as one of its primary elements. There are many different nickel alloys, and new ones are being created or developed all the time.
Some types of nickel alloys are referred to as superalloys because of their superior oxidation and creep resistance, allowing them to be used at temperatures of more than half their melting points.
The outer diameter (İLE İLGİLİ) of a hollow circular pipe is the measurement of the outside edges of the pipe passing through its center. The outer diameter of a pipe, together with its wall thickness, are essential to inside diameter calculations.
Pickling is the process used to remove weld heat tinted layers from the surface of stainless steel fabrications.
In materials science, quenching is the rapid cooling of a workpiece in water, gaz, sıvı yağ, polymer, air, or other fluids to obtain certain material properties.
A type of heat treating, quenching prevents undesired low-temperature processes, such as phase transformations, from occurring.
It does this by reducing the window of time during which these undesired reactions are both thermodynamically favorable and kinetically accessible; Örneğin, quenching can reduce the crystal grain size of both metallic and plastic materials, increasing their hardness.
Paslanmaz çelik, also known as Inox, korozyona dayanıklı çelik (CRES) ve paslanmaz çelik, paslanmaya ve korozyona karşı dayanıklı bir demir alaşımıdır. It contains at least 10.5% chromium and usually nickel, and may also contain other elements, such as carbon, to obtain the desired properties. Stainless steel’s resistance to corrosion results from the chromium, which forms a passive film that can protect the material and self-heal in the presence of oxygen.
The alloy’s properties, such as luster and resistance to corrosion, are useful in many applications. Stainless steel can be rolled into sheets, tabaklar, Barlar, wire, and tubing. These can be used in cookware, cutlery, cerrahi Aletler, major appliances, vehicles, construction material in large buildings, industrial equipment (Örneğin., in paper mills, chemical plants, su arıtma), and storage tanks and tankers for chemicals and food products.
Different types of stainless steel are labeled with an AISI three-digit number. The ISO 15510 standard lists the chemical compositions of stainless steels of the specifications in existing ISO, ASTIM, ÜZERİNDE, JIS, and GB standards in a useful interchange table.
Titanium alloys are alloys that contain a mixture of titanium and other chemical elements. Such alloys have very high tensile strength and toughness (even at extreme temperatures).
They are light in weight, have extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures.
ancak, the high cost of both raw materials and processing limit their use to military applications, uçak, spacecraft, bisikletler, Tıbbi cihazlar, takı, highly stressed components such as connecting rods on expensive sports cars and some premium sports equipment and consumer electronics.
Although “commercially pure” titanium has acceptable mechanical properties and has been used for orthopedic and dental implants, for most applications titanium is alloyed with small amounts of aluminium and vanadium, typically 6% ve 4% sırasıyla, by weight. This mixture has a solid solubility which varies dramatically with temperature, allowing it to undergo precipitation strengthening. This heat treatment process is carried out after the alloy has been worked into its final shape but before it is put to use, allowing much easier fabrication of a high-strength product.
Vickers sertliği, a measure of the hardness of a material, calculated from the size of an impression produced under load by a pyramid-shaped diamond indenter.
Devised in the 1920s by engineers at Vickers, Ltd., in the United Kingdom, the diamond pyramid hardness test, as it also became known, permitted the establishment of a continuous scale of comparable numbers that accurately reflected the wide range of hardnesses found in steels.
Grade X22CrMoV12-1 stainless steel is also called 1.4923 paslanmaz çelik.
Grade X22CrMoV12-1 stainless steel is a combination of chromium, molibdenium, vanadyum, nickel elements.
Due to the addition of vanadium it has an increased creep rupture strength. Scale oxide resistance up to approximately 600°C. The corrosion resistance in natural environment is limited due to the relatively low chromium content.
Grade X22CrMoV12-1 stainless steel is widely used in turbine construction, aerospace and for pressure and steam boiler.
Yield strength is defined as the maximum stress material will tolerate before plastic deformation begins.
The term “yield strength” is typically used in the context of ductile materials, or materials that can deform.
irconium alloys are solid solutions of zirconium or other metals, a common subgroup having the trade mark Zircaloy.
Zirconium has very low absorption cross-section of thermal neutrons, yüksek sertlik, ductility and corrosion resistance. One of the main uses of zirconium alloys is in nuclear technology, as cladding of fuel rods in nuclear reactors, especially water reactors.
A typical composition of nuclear-grade zirconium alloys is more than 95 weight percent zirconium and less than 2% of tin, niyobyum, ütü, krom, nickel and other metals, which are added to improve mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.