Stainless Steel Strips Cut To Size

HZW Expert Can Help You Customize The Stainless Steel Strip Size

To have stainless steel strips cut to size, 您可以从供应商处购买预先切割好的条带,也可以与可以将条带切割成您特定尺寸的制造商合作. 提供准确的测量值以确保将条带切割成正确的尺寸非常重要. HZW 专家在这里为您提供所有切割解决方案!

不锈钢带 can be cut to size using various cutting methods such as shearing, 分切, or sawing.

Shearing involves cutting the material using a machine that applies a straight cutting force perpendicular to the surface of the material. This method is typically used for thicker strips and produces a straight and clean edge.

Slitting involves cutting the material using a machine that makes multiple cuts simultaneously, resulting in multiple narrow strips. This method is typically used for thinner strips and can produce a more precise width.

Sawing involves cutting the material using a blade that moves back and forth, producing a clean and precise cut. This method can be used for both thick and thin strips and can produce a straight or angled cut.

stainless steel strips cut to size as sheets

Stainless Steel Strips Cut To Size Case Study

Need Your Stainless Steel Strips Cut To Size
